The Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR) is pleased to announce the Strengthening Rural Communities Small & Vital Program to give small remote, rural, and regional communities across Australia the opportunity to access funds for a broad range of initiatives that directly and clearly benefit local communities. The program focuses on strengthening local people, places, and climate solutions with a preference for smaller communities (populations under 15,000).
Projects funded must align with one or more of the following charitable outcomes:
- Bringing people and community organisations together to foster stronger, more resilient communities;
- Fostering and celebrating a sense of identity, diversity and cultural connection within the community;
- Supporting diverse groups within remote, rural and regional communities including, but not limited to, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, culturally and linguistically diverse, those living with disability, and LGBTQIA+;
- Improving community health and social wellbeing;
- Enabling people to develop skills, knowledge and confidence to lead and contribute to the prosperity and renewal of their community;
- Building a sustainable volunteer base and/or supporting the wellbeing of volunteers;
- Celebrating and resourcing volunteer-led efforts.
Funding Information
Grants up to $10,000 are available.
Eligible Projects
FRRR’s S&V program supports thriving, resilient, and sustainable remote, rural, and regional communities across Australia. In particular, priority will be given to projects that:
- Support communities to implement generational transition;
- Invest in outback, remote, and less-resourced communities;
- Build capacity and resourcing for a just and equitable energy transition;
- Support First Nations-led initiatives that strengthen culture, country, economic participation, and reconciliation.
Eligibility Criteria
To apply, you must meet the following criteria:
- Applicant organisations must be a not-for-profit organisation with either an Incorporation Certificate and/or an ABN. If you are unsure if your organisation is a registered not-for-profit (e.g., if you are a Co-operative, Other Unincorporated Entity, Public Company or Trust), please contact FRRR;
- Project must be for charitable purposes and offer clear public benefit;
- Not-for-profit organisations with or without DGR-1 endorsement are eligible;
- Projects must benefit communities in remote, rural, or regional Australia.
Ineligibility Criteria
Please note, you will be considered ineligible if:
- Application is submitted by individuals, sole traders, private or commercial businesses (as per the submitted ABN);
- Application is submitted by an organisation that is not a legal entity (i.e., a registered not-for-profit), without the written consent of the governing/partnering body who holds the ABN/Incorporation Certificate;
- Final report/s from any FRRR grants awarded in the previous seven years have not been acquitted (delivery organisations should check with legal organisation to see if there are any outstanding final reports);
- Application is for a project or activity that has already occurred / is occurring prior to the announcement of funding.
For More Information
Visit FRRR for further details.
Donor Name: Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR)
Grant Size: $1,000 to $10,000
Publish Date: September 9, 2024
Deadline Date: December 5, 2024
Country: Australia